Ontario’s Condo Act Review is moving forward despite the prorogation of the legislature. The Condo Residents’ Panel has begun sitting and I had a chance to address them briefly last week. They are an impressive group of people.
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Condominium Act 1998
MCS kicks off Condo Act review info sessions
The Ministry of Consumer Services recently announced that info sessions for the province’s Condo Act review are taking place in the coming days in cities near you.
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Disclosing Tarion claims on status certificates
One of our readers asks us about when Tarion warranty claims for defects in the common elements should be disclosed on a status certificate?
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Recap of live tweeting from Minister Best’s address to OBA Institute
Here is the twitter highlight reel from Ontario Consumer Services Minister’s address on Feb 9/12 to the Ontario Bar Association on “Do we need a new Condo Act?”…
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Where did all the Condo Act forms go?
We all woke up one morning to find that our library of prescribed forms under the Condo Act were revoked. If you’re wondering what the hell happened and where can I find the forms, we’ve got the answers for you.
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Happy 10th anniversary to our Condo Act!
May 5, 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of Ontario’s Condominium Act, 1998. In this special tribute, we look back at efforts to amend it, where we’re at now and what might lie in store for the future.
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Condo Act amendment on inspectors coming into force soon
Amendments to Ontario’s Condominium Act regarding inspectors come into force on June 1, 2011.
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Last call for government survey of condo owners
The Ontario Government condo unit owners’ survey closes on October 31, 2010. This is your last chance to add your two cents!
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Condo wins slander of title case but loses bid for complete costs recovery
Another interesting lesson emerges from Jeffers v. YCC 98, the slander of title case we reported about earlier this year, this time about s.134(5) of the Condo Act.
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5 lessons from Calgary condo fire
This month’s news featured a horrifying story of a serious fire at a 159-unit condominium building in Calgary. We’ve come up with 5 lessons from this story.
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