Ontario Bar Association


It is estimated that almost 9,000 condo corporations have been created in Ontario since 1967, but no more than a half dozen have ever been terminated.

To explore a relatively obscure but increasingly important area of our condo law, the Real Property and Civil Litigation sections of the Ontario Bar

To encourage people to carefully consider and protect their families, assets and affairs, the Ontario Bar Association has made April its “Make a Power of Attorney Month.”

A power of attorney (“POA”) is a legal document that gives someone else the right to act on a person’s behalf. These documents can be used to oversee personal care or to handle assets and property, and can be customized to suit the precise requirements of each person. 
Continue Reading Powers of attorney essential for condo unit owners

 The Government of Ontario recently introduced Bill 108 – "An Act respecting Apologies." 

According to the Attorney General’s news release, the Apology Act would, if passed:

  • Allow individuals and organizations, such as hospitals and other public institutions (or condo corproations), to apologize for an accident or wrongdoing without fear of the apology being used