GMA has almost 20 employees who, pre-COVID-19, were typically working in the office at 390 Bay Street, Toronto. Many of our lawyers and staff were early adapters to remote work, with fully functioning home offices, a majority have been set up for years. In that sense, we were prepared for the shift to remote work. However, with reopening of more and more services, I wanted to share my top links as GMA’s office manager. These are sites I found myself clicking back to when considering how to best support our people returning to the office.
Continue Reading COVID-19: Learn, assess, modify. It’s a state of change in the office.
occupational health and safety
Employers tasked with addressing sexual violence and harassment
The Ontario government recently introduced Bill 132, Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act (Supporting Survivors and Challenging Sexual Violence and Harassment), 2015. This bill follows the government’s March 2015 action plan to reduce sexual violence and harassment.
Bill 132 is an omnibus bill that, if passed, amends six Ontario statutes with…
New OHSA workplace poster now mandatory
Bob Gardiner offers this short update on a new posting requirement imposed by the Ministry of Labour, now in force at workplaces across Ontario.
Continue Reading New OHSA workplace poster now mandatory
Court confirms duty to report injury, death of non-workers
A recent court decision clarifies the obligation of employers to report to the Ministry of Labour critical injuries or fatalities suffered by people at their workplace, even non-workers.
Continue Reading Court confirms duty to report injury, death of non-workers
Criminal charges laid over workplace fatalities: A wakeup call
Here’s an update from Bob Gardiner on Toronto’s most notorious workplace catastrophe in recent history.
Continue Reading Criminal charges laid over workplace fatalities: A wakeup call
Microblog posts to 6/20/2010
For those of you “working from home” this week on account of the all-encompassing G20 summit shutting down Toronto, here’s some fun reading.
Continue Reading Microblog posts to 6/20/2010
Recap of 2010 PM Expo Springfest presentation
Here’s a recap of the presentation “What’s Right and What Needs Improvement in the World of Condos” presented at PM Expo Springfest on April 28.
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GMA Condo Alert! (Winter 2010 edition)
Spring cannot officially begin until our winter newsletter has been circulated. Here it is. Check it out, then put away your winter coats.
Continue Reading GMA Condo Alert! (Winter 2010 edition)
Papers from ACMO Legal Grab Bag Luncheon
Here are the papers from the ACMO Legal Grab Bag luncheon held November 27, 2009.
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Guest post: Talking safely — The new rules of the road
This guest entry offers tips to property managers for dealing with the new ban on hand-held communication devices while driving.
Continue Reading Guest post: Talking safely — The new rules of the road