Of the many reasons for condo unit owners and purchasers being ignorant of the condo documents, at least one of them can be fixed by condo corporations themselves.
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Talking back – employers’ vicarious liability
Bob Gardiner reminds us that the grace period for the ban on hand-held devices while driving is coming to and end and that police will soon begin issuing tickets.
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Guest post: Talking safely — The new rules of the road
This guest entry offers tips to property managers for dealing with the new ban on hand-held communication devices while driving.
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Techno-tip of the day: Google Reader
Today’s post is an introduction to Google Reader. If you’re subscribed to a number of blogs by email or are having difficulty staying current with one or more websites, you should really look into what Google Reader has to offer.
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Make email make sense for your board
Today we highlight a suggestion to set up email accounts for condo board members that can be transferred from member to member. A good concept.
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Enhance communication at your condo with Web 2.0
Today’s entry provides a link to an excellent brief primer on social networking websites. If you want to find out what all the fuss about “Web 2.0” is, or to learn about Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and so forth, check this out.
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