Just because the police won’t bust up licensed marijuana grow ops doesn’t mean that a condo board has no power to deal with grow ops that create an unsafe condition or nuisance or other violation of the declaration or rules.
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Declaration, By-Laws & Rules
Another cause of owner ignorance: Lousy condo doc packages
Of the many reasons for condo unit owners and purchasers being ignorant of the condo documents, at least one of them can be fixed by condo corporations themselves.
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Federal flag law now in force
Just in time for Canada Day, a new law is effective dealing with the display of our national flag.
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Get ready for the renovation boom
The Home Renovation Tax Credit will likely cause a small surge of renovation work in condominium units this year, but might also bring a corresponding surge in disputes between condominium corporations and their unit owners. Here are some ideas to help avoid or minimize such disputes.
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By-law needed for condos to appeal tax assessment of units
With the March 31 deadline approaching, we discuss how condominium unit owners can act collectively to make objections and appeals from municipal property tax assessments of their condo units.
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Look before leaping — read the condo rules first!
In a recent entry on the Toronto Neighbourhoods and Real Estate blog Move Smartly, lawyer Rachel Loizos offers some wise advice for prospective condo purchasers: "Before you commit to purchasing a condo unit, make sure you have reviewed the rules."
She then lists the rules that most commonly affect purchasers and goes on…