It’s time once again to sample some of the best condo-related news from the blogosphere.
Spring has different meanings to different people – With winter behind us, it’s time to get to work on the year’s maintenance and reacquaint yourself with your neighbours. Hats off to the Community Associations Network blog for some pleasant seasonal tips!
Owner posts website about his HOA problems and gets sued – The title says it all. Check out the story and follow the links to the offending website to see what all the noise is about and whether you can get to the bottom of the million dollar question… oops, I mean “lawsuit.”
Proper Protocol for a Board’s Use of Emails – Everybody and their brother uses email these days and condo boards are no exception. Donna Berger offers some practical guidelines to avoid typical problems arising from condo boards use of email.
Condos/HOAs Have a Lot to Lose if Design Professional Protection Bills Become Law – Imagine if you couldn’t sue architects, engineers or surveyors if their negligence affects your condo. That nightmare scenario may come true in Florida if legislators don’t give their heads a good shake. Sanjay Kurian sounds the alarm.
Condominiums and Second Hand Smoke Claims – Mark Wiechnik of Stark & Stark summarizes the leading cases on second hand smoke in condos, including a Canadian case, and offers his prediction of what may result and how those cases might impact condos in New Jersey (and everywhere else!).
Spiteful Conduct by Board Member – This Q&A on the Virginia Condo and HOA Law Blog offers some guidance on the potential liabilities that arise by vindictive conduct of a board member.
"Not by the Hair of my Chinny-Chin-Chin!" – Is this the answer your manager gets when trying to make entry to a unit? Check out California lawyer David Swendelson’s suggestions before huffing and puffing.
When Condo Fires Strike…… – Lawyer Stuart Lieberman recites some of the considerations that come to mind when you put “fire” and “condo” in close proximity to each other.
Keeping Your Association Afloat: Implementing Hardline Collections Tactics – Effective collection of common expenses is critical. Sarah Lappin at the Vial Fotheringham blog suggests that misguided soft-heartedness shouldn’t be allowed to destroy your condos finances.
CMCA Program Achieves National Accreditation – The Community Associations Institute announces on their Ungated blog that their professional designation for community association managers (“CMCA”) has received special national recognition. Congratulations to CAI on this achievement!
The Challenge of Structural Distress in Aging Buildings – Florida condo construction litigator Alan Tannenbaum warns that most Florida condos are unlikely to meet the 50-year lifespan predicted by studies. He offers advice on how to stretch out those years.
Lenders and Squatters Accessing Homes Prior to Foreclosure — Daniel Zimberoff of the Northwest Condo & HOA Law Blog highlights a common problem facing American community associations in areas where the housing market crisis shows no signs of abating.