With the twenty-tens now well underway, let’s look back at some of the best of the condo-related blogosphere for the last month of the “aughts.”
New Year Resolutions for Boards – Colorado lawyer Molly Foley-Healy of the HOA Legi-Slate blog suggests three new years’ resolutions that any condo or HOA board should make. It’s not too late!
10 Tough Questions with Herman Turkstra – The Hamiltonian blog picks the brain of local institution, lawyer and former politician Herman Turkstra on Steeltown’s successes, failures and future.
How Much Are My Condo Fees Per Square Foot? – In a recently-launched blog called It’s a Condo Life, Oshawa property manager Tracey McLellan shines some light on how comparing common expenses of different buildings can be confusing.
Enforcing CC&Rs Through Electronic Surveillance — Daniel Zimberoff of the Northwest Condo & HOA Law Blog suggests that better surveillance may lead to better compliance with covenants, conditions and restrictions and can simplify rule enforcement cases.
Condominium corporation approval for hot tub not needed? — Toronto Lawyer and blogger James Morton shows us the guts of the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision in the famous hot tub case of 2009, WCC 198 v. McMahon.
Well… Everyone Knows It: The Testimony of a Mold Expert — Mark Wiechnik of Stark & Stark’s New Jersey Law Blog takes on the popular conception that toxic mould causes serious health issues in humans. Judging from the number of lawsuits, mould seems like the bogeyman of our time, notwithstanding that the link between mould and harm to human health is far from clear. A provocative piece.
How To Enforce Civil Judgments in Ontario – If you ever wanted to learn about how we turn a court order into money in the bank, see this entry by Toronto insurance lawyer Pamela Pengelly on her Res Ipsa Loquitor blog.