The Province of Ontario announced that effective September 22, 2021, Ontarians will need to be fully vaccinated (which they define as having two vaccination doses for at least 14 days) and provide proof of vaccination status along with photo ID to access certain public settings and facilities. The Province is implementing a “vaccine passport” initiative
Mask exemption: accommodation process is a two-way street
A couple of weeks ago, the Superior Court of Justice released an important decision, HCC 77 v. Mitrovic, regarding mandatory masks in condos. The court ordered two owners to wear a mask or face covering while on interior common elements but also granted an exception permitting them to travel on any interior common elements…
Re-opening amenities – Is signing a waiver enough?
As of August 15, 2020, gyms and recreation spaces are allowed up to 50 patrons for each indoor sport or fitness room, with physical distancing of at least two meters.
Now that Ontario has eased gym restrictions, condominium corporations should review their amenities reopening protocol, which might include a requirement that users sign a waiver of liability before being allowed access.
But are waivers enforceable?Continue Reading Re-opening amenities – Is signing a waiver enough?
Mandatory masks and COVID-19 Protective Measures policies
When the City of Toronto first enacted its mandatory mask by-laws, condominiums were noticeably exempt. But after much feedback, the City of Toronto has amended its mandatory mask by-law to require masks in interior condo common elements such as hallways and elevators. By August 5, all Toronto condominium corporations must adopt a mandatory mask policy.…
Welcome to Stage 3, Toronto: What this means for your condominium
The Leafs are back on the ice, the Raptors are looking strong as they gear up to defend their championship and the Jays have taken flight. Things are looking good for Toronto and it doesn’t stop with our sports.
On July 29, 2020, the Ontario government announced that Toronto will be joining its neighbours by moving into Stage 3 of the Province’s reopening plans (unfortunately for our friends in Windsor, they must wait a little longer). Many are excited for the relaxed restrictions and some are rightfully hesitant to assume things are “back to normal”. But what exactly does Phase 3 mean for condominiums across the province?Continue Reading Welcome to Stage 3, Toronto: What this means for your condominium
COVID-19: Learn, assess, modify. It’s a state of change in the office.
GMA has almost 20 employees who, pre-COVID-19, were typically working in the office at 390 Bay Street, Toronto. Many of our lawyers and staff were early adapters to remote work, with fully functioning home offices, a majority have been set up for years. In that sense, we were prepared for the shift to remote work. However, with reopening of more and more services, I wanted to share my top links as GMA’s office manager. These are sites I found myself clicking back to when considering how to best support our people returning to the office.
Continue Reading COVID-19: Learn, assess, modify. It’s a state of change in the office.