There has been plenty of interesting condo-related stuff in the Twittersphere from September 30 to November 2, 2010.

To help time-starved condo professionals find and enjoy the best stuff quickly, we have organized the tweets using the following handy categories:

  • Court/Tribunal Decisions
  • Tips & Cool Stuff
  • News / Commentary — Ontario
  • News / Commentary — Canada
  • News / Commentary — International
  • GMA in the News

For real-time updates, follow me on Twitter.

Here we go.

Court/Tribunal Decisions

ONSC orders condo unit owner to scale back oversize deck, nixes owners’ claim for oppression remedy:

ABQB: Construction lender not liable for building deficiencies. Lawsuit by condo vs. developer’s bank dismissed:

ONHRT to hear case re scooter parking after condo corp fails to respond and is deemed to admit allegations: #Baffling

ABCA: Evicting condo unit owners is an extraordinary remedy, to be granted only when other incremental remedies fail:

Supreme Ct. of Canada finds insurance coverage for construction defect claims:

ONSC: Contractor entitled to defence by insurer in construction deficiency claim brought by condo corporation:

ONSC allows buyer to terminate purchase of new #condo unit when developer (Trump) fails to deliver unit on time:

ONSC approves settlement of fraud claims vs. developer’s principals in class action over 2002 condo turnover:


Tips & Cool Stuff

Unit owners fighting condo boards for "principle," read this before self-destructing needlessly: (@TheSpec)

RT @hoamgtcom: Thinking of running for your HOA or Condo Board of Directors? Your Community Association needs you!

And remember to smile!! RT @canetwork: How to Meet People in Your Condo Building


News / Commentary — Ontario

Time to revise condo rules to prevent flophouses? >> Cops say Toronto could become hooker haven: (@ottawasuncom)

Hoarding as fire hazard. City ordered cleanup of hoarder’s unit months before massive highrise fire –

YorkRegion Article: Stouffville condo buyers confront builders:

RT @OntMinLabour Toronto Police Services have laid criminal charges against 3 individuals and Metron Construction Corp.

A high-rise tax ripoff, but no one will help – @Rachel_Sa sees little prospect of lower taxes for Toronto condos –

RT @condobusiness Video Report: Are condo-hotels the latest craze or a development trend that’s here to stay?

RT @condobusiness Y. Hendler on what’s involved in the property management at "Toronto’s first true condo-hotel"

Ottawa condo drama ends with removal of board: Condo residents restore super to job – (@OttawaCitizen)

RT @MrSmallClaims Small claims court often involves human rights. But do human rights include legal fees? Supreme Court to decide

Heritage properties are a minefield and a burden:

RT @Yasir_Naqvi Do you live in a condo? Please participate in #Ontario govt’s  #Condominium Survey at or 1-800-889-9768 before Oct 31.

Cambridge city council candidate calls for police escort to campaign in condominium:

Which Toronto mayoral hopefuls understand condos? Hear the Q&As from the debate at Cdn Condominium Institute: #voteTO

RT @torontoist Will condo-dwellers finally have a say this election? #VoteTO

I’m against liening condo units for work on common elements. @OntMAG launches Construction Lien Act consultation:

RT @CBCToronto Condo sales surge in Ontario cities

Claims under Condo Act s.135 affected too. RT @MortonsMusings: Oppression Remedy subject to 2 yr limitation period:

Time to raise condo soundproofing / airtightness issues! Ontario Govt seeks input on building code amendments –


News / Commentary — Canada

The movement grows. RT @VPFranco: Surprise, BC is not leading the charge on smoking bans in condos.

Consultation underway to update the Manitoba Condo Act: Own a condo? Read this – Winnipeg Free Press

RT @canetwork: Vancouver: Nasty fight over condo parking space leads court to ban ‘vexatious litigant –


News / Commentary — International

Chicago condo bans indoor smoking. Any Toronto condos ready to take the plunge? RT @VPFranco#Smoking ban hits home:

Non-smoking trend gains momentum in US – No butts: Apartment developers ban smoking at home –

Non-smoking bldgs increasingly desirable. Condo board votes to kick butts: SearchChicago Homes –

Legal system "evolving" to handle decimated market – Canceling Dubai Property Deals Nearly Impossible –

Culture plays a surprisingly big part. RT @canetwork: BBC look at clothesline bans

RT @habitatmag Co-op / Condo Boards: Oh boy – yet another city crackdown. Find out about the DEP’s latest, on backflow devices

Bugs now get a clause in contracts! Bedbug Protection for Condo and Co-op Buyers – (NYTimes):

Math teacher loses fight with condo over scooter More like "Green argument lands man in the red!"

Indiana condo corp to pay $120,000 in racial bias case –

In US, it’s harder to unload condos than single family homes. RT @canetwork: WSJ: The Trouble With Condos


GMA in the News

A good question, great answer and splendid plug. Thanks, Cesia! RT @cesiagreen: What exactly is a condominium?

Quoted in Law Times on case of condo corporation found liable when superintendent assaults visitor.

I’m a case study cited by @kevinokeefe in "How much time does it take to publish a good law blog?" Humbled!

GMA’s Andrea Krywonis and Chris Jaglowitz attended LexBlog’s "Beer for Bloggers" evening on October 21: