Debtors and troublemakers are no longer immune from receiving legal process on the Lord’s Day.

Ontario’s long-standing prohibition against serving legal documents and enforcing court orders on Sundays was abolished amidst little fanfare as of December 15, 2009, when section 124 of the Courts of Justice Act was repealed by the Good Government Act, 2009.  This omnibus bill amended hundreds of Ontario statutes, including the Condo Act.

Before its repeal, section 124 read as follows:

No document shall be served and no order shall be executed on Sunday, except with leave of the court.

This development is of special interest to process servers, bailiffs and lawyers who go to sleep on Friday night thinking there are only two more working days until Monday.

Those who spend Sundays on more spiritual pursuits will recall that:

And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.

                                                                                                         – Matthew 5:40