People trying to keep tabs on the legislative authority for suite submetering can’t even blink these days without the risk of being left in the dark!
On December 8, 2009, the Ontario Government tabled Bill 235, an Act to enact the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2009 and to amend other Acts.
If passed, Bill 235 will, among other things, repeal section 53.17 of the Electricity Act, 1998, which is the current authority for condominium boards to install smart meters and download electricity costs to individual unit owners. An entirely new section dealing with submetering and billing in multi-unit residential buildings will be passed, as well as a whole raft of regulations.
As with all recent energy and environmental initiatives, Bill 235 is expected to move forward quickly. Comments were to have been received by February 6, 2010. The public consultation page is here, with links to additional information. The actual wording of the Bill and its legislative status is found here.