Each year, the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (“CCBFC”) invites stakeholders and members of the public to participate in the review of proposed changes to six national model codes, including the following construction codes:
These construction codes, last published in 2005 but subsequently amended and expected to be revised in 2010, form the basis of the construction codes of each of the provinces and territories to varying degrees.
Builders and developers have an obvious vested interest in participating in the development and upkeep of these model construction codes, and so do the end users of most buildings, particularly condominiums. Typical construction issues that affect interest condominium communities include soundproofing, building materials, energy efficiency and life safety.
While these codes are highly technical and are largely unintelligible to most of us, there is probably still room for improvement. The more technically-inclined condominium unit owners, board members, managers and building professionals, as well as their related associations across Canada, might have a number of helpful comments or be able to provide other input to help revise these national codes for everyone’s benefit.
Here’s how you can participate:
- Request a change to the codes:
- Review the proposed changes;
- Submit your comments/suggestions as part of the public consultation process;
- Attend and observe the proceedings;
- Volunteer for membership on one of the standing committees.
Comments on the proposed changes for 2008 are now closed but another public review on proposed technical changes to the 2005 National Model Codes will be held in 2009. Stay tuned to the CCBFC’s website for updates on the review process for 2009 and express your interest before February 2009 to sit on one of the standing committees.